Goals! Goals! Goals!

Saturday saw the start of the junior hockey season when our newly established U14 team were first to hit the ice in a home game against the Inverness Highlanders at the Linx Ice Arena.

From puck drop the Lynx were right on it with David Hale opening up the scoring frenzy in the first 37 seconds giving the team a huge ego boast. There was no stopping the Lynx after that with Jessica Bridger scoring her first league goal in her debut play up game which had her bouncing with joy.

By the end of the first period our home side had built an astonishing lead. A quick team talk by coach John Colley kept the positive vibes going as well as some pointers on positioning. With another seven goals hitting the back of the Highlanders net even the D men were getting in on the scoring action!

First game back after the summer recess you would expect the teams to tire….NOPE!. Foot on the gas and sticks on the ice both teams ramped up the pace. Maddison Davison in her debut, scored her first of two goals for the Lynx. The Highlanders scraped back two more goals, but it was too little too late. The Lynx Under 14s finished the game with an astonishing win.

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Although this is a new U14 team many have played the past couple of seasons as U12, and the bond and trust in their teammates is something that can’t be taught. Forward thinking and confidence in the ability of each player on the ice is what won us the match.

A fantastic result and well done to all players for an extremely well played game. A great start to the 2019/2020 season. You should all be very proud.

Russell Shum
U14 manager


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